The challenge
Engaging learning experience
Create an attractive and flexible online English language learning experience, adapted to user needs with no time and interest in improving their English skills efficiently.
Best-selling publication in Portugal, Expresso newspaper. With an average of 86 thousand copies, leader in paid digital subscriptions. Their users are usually critical with an interest in business.
Mi role
UX Research/Designer
How to learn a new language?
1. What is the motivation and availability of newspaper users to learn English?
2. What kind of service users trust to improve their communication skills?
3. Where is the value of e-learning methodologies?
The market
Traditional vs Online
For traditional schools, students must attend face-to-face classes, making the learning process a commitment. Levels are extensive, each level frequently is completed in nine months. Likewise, the vast majority of traditional schools have an online platform to support the course, much of them are basic and don't offer an important content of the course.

Digital academies are usually very flexible with an individual learning process, allowing the user to organize freely. Another aspect is that they offer many kinds of courses, with the opportunity to advance quickly, reducing the course to the aspects that most interest the user. Like English for business, specialized, etc. On the other hand, interaction with a teacher it's lost.

The apps offer basics learning and for those users with a solid base of English, it doesn't represent a challenge.

Keeping motivation is the key
To understand our users, we look for answers with interviews with English students.
Value proposition
The newness is news
How do keeping the experience engaging along the course?

A platform for English natural learning through BBC content. With interviews, reports, and news prepared by journalists. Giving accessible and flexible learning for users interested in improving their language skills to find new opportunities.

With the weekly release of physical books, users can learn with the support of the book and follow the lessons found on the platform. With complemental interviews and news. Keeping motivation to complete the course with new current content and validating the knowledge with tests and activities periodically.

With the extra motivation of earning a final diploma at the end of the course, with the recognition of the efforts and worth of new skills.

The main objective of targeting the sales home page is to show the advantages of the course. A small test in the landing page aligns the user with their goals in the course.

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